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Top PayPal alternatives for Business in 2021-2022


Are you looking for online payment method to collect payments? From the first glance PayPal seems to be the easiest platform to go. It’s quite easy to integrate and has numerous payment options. However, it is not available in all countries and there are several other stop factors. That’s why we’d like to share a some of the most reliable PayPal alternatives for the business.

Why look for alternatives to PayPal?


Why PayPal switched to Node.jsPayPal seems to become a no-brainer payment method for online businesses in the U.S. But if you need worldwide coverage chances are high that you’ll need an additional payment service provider.

Although, PayPal claims to operate in more than 200+ countries keep in mind that this is the list of counties where residents can register a PayPal account, but not necessarily have one. So this list can be extended on most European countries, where the general audience does not use PayPal.

Prohibited Industries

There is a number of industries that are in a grey zone, which can be banned from PayPal or require a special approval like forex trading, gambling, and betting. Here’s the list of activities that PayPal (also Payoneer and Stripe) prohibits:

Transactions related to dangerous, illegal or violent activities or items, such as:

  • Drugs
  • Cigarettes
  • Stolen Goods
  • Hate speech or Racial Intolerance
  • Copyright Infringement
  • Sexually-oriented materials or services
  • Certain weapons or knives

Transactions related to scams or high-risk finances, such as:

  • Pyramid schemes
  • “Get rich quick” schemes
  • Multi-level marketing programs
  • Lotteries
  • Off-shore banking
  • Currency exchanges or check cashing businesses
  • Anything for the purpose of bribery or corruption

PayPal also has a list of businesses that require special approval:

  • Airlines.
  • Charitable donations.
  • Stock and bonds.
  • Alcoholic beverages.
  • E-cigarettes or non-cigarette tobacco products.
  • Prescription drugs or devices.

You can familiarize with a full list of businesses that are banned or require approval in PayPal’s Acceptable Use Policy.

Top PayPal Alternatives for Business

stripe_logo Stripe – Perhaps one of the faster-growing payment platform for merchants. It gains traction very fast, partly because Stipe can be easily integrated on website and mobile apps. We used it several times in our previous works and found it very straightforward. You can receive payments easily using one of several plugins. Stripe can be used for crowdfunding purpose or as a payment gateway for merchants.

payoneer_logoPayoneer – Is one of the biggest global payment services can be used instead of PayPal. With it you can receive payment via PayPal itself as well as debit/credit cards and bank accounts. Payoneer is exceptionally well suited for companies that provide services worldwide, freelance platforms, medium to big businesses. Over last few years Payoneer has onboarded over 3 million users, and of course, it provides 24/7 support.

skrill-logoSkrill – IIt is a convenient, secure and safe platform that is popular in such industries as gambling, betting, gaming, and forex trading. Skrill also features instant money transfer, which is exceptionally useful if you operate in one of these industries. And, of course, it operates worldwide.



Neteller – An interesting thing about this platform is that it has a reward points system which collects points every time you perform a transaction. Of course, it processes payments from various platforms including Visa, MasterCard, Bitcoin, Maestro, and many more. Neteller is one of the most reliable and easy-to-use substitutes of PayPal along with Stripe, Payoneer, and Skrill.


wepay-logoWePay – The platform provides various features like custom UX design, fund settlement, mobile point of sale solution and many more. WePay offers a great customer support as well as fraud protection. Being a subsidiary of Chase, WePay features a powerful antifraud system, risk compliance and other modern bells and whistles.


perfect-money-logoPerfect Money – enables easy money transfer among members. It can be used for making and receiving money worldwide, save money on electronic accounts with interests, and buy cryptocurrency. Perfect Money seems to be old pal, but its age is balanced by the popularity among the old-school loyal audience.


PayPal Substitutes in China


Alipay – One of the most popular payment services for medium and large businesses that are entering the Chinese market. In the fourth quarter of 2016, Alipay had a 54% share of China’s mobile payment market, although its share fell from 71% in 2015 as its rival Tencent’s WeChat Pay was rapidly catching up.



WeChat Pay – The popularity of WeChat Pay is hard to underestimate. It is widely used to make small purchases in retail and through e-commerce platforms. This is a no-brainer service if you a small to a medium-sized merchant who’s trying to sell its product in China.


Good to know
Wondering what payment gateway is the most reliable and safe for businesses? We have prepared an article that covers this topic and describes the most popular payment systems in detail. Don’t wait up and read it right away.

Mobile Payment Systems & Wallets

Apple Pay
It is a native mobile payment system and digital wallet developed by Apple. By integrating Apple Pay you can allow your clients to pay through Face ID or by using fingerprints.
Google Pay
A rival mobile payment system introduced by Google, which covers all Android-powered devices. It is exceptionally popular among commuters and as a mobile payment method in transportation systems across the globe.

Apple Pay is extremely popular these days. And each year more and more online businesses integrate it in their apps and websites.



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