custom healthcare softwarehealthcare software developmentmedical IoTmedical software

Complete Guide to Custom Healthcare Development


Contemporary technologies have already revolutionized the healthcare industry. Medical organizations embrace new technologies to automate their internal processes, properly manage the workflows and innovate the treatment plans to provide patients with a great experience. 

Therefore, we got specifics about the current technological trends being implemented in the healthcare software and how to integrate these trends into your medical entity.

The Typology Of Healthcare Software Development

The variety of healthcare software solutions is constantly expanding, introducing more technological trends in them. Here are the most widespread medical tools actively used in medical organizations for the purpose of automation of the internal operations and enhancement of the patient experience. 

Electronic Health Records (EHR)

EHR medical software solution is tasked with collecting and structuring patient data within the medical organization. It entirely eliminates paper-based personal health records and other types of healthcare documents. EHR also makes all data easy to access, update, send, delete, and so on.

Medical billing software

Medical billing software is the must-have element of the hospital revenue life cycle. It manages and controls all financial operations like payments for medical services and internal spendings. Additionally, it helps to properly distribute the organization’s budgeting costs and connect insurance companies, patients, and hospitals to make payments accurately and smoothly for all sides involved. 

We would also suggest you read about the advantages of a custom medical billing solution over the ready-made app on our blog. 

Telemedicine software

Telemedicine apps have completely reinvented the treatment approach. Now patients don’t even need to leave their homes to get doctor consultations, receive prescriptions, get their health indicators measured and lab results, and many other options. Telehealth solutions make healthcare treatment accessible and convenient for everyone. Moreover, this field continues to develop and adopt the latest tech trends in order to deliver high-grade medical services. 

Medical research software

This type of software is mostly needed for medical staff and their skill development. It helps to investigate the well-known and unknown diagnoses and provide the appropriate treatment courses. 

Hospital management software (HMS)

Hospital management software is the internal healthcare system that aims to unite all the digital solutions in one place. The HMS apps can be integrated with various options that your medical entity requires like EHR, medical billing, inventory management, mHealth app, and so on. Telemedicine software is effective as never before as we all are still restricted with the quarantine limitations and are not willing to visit the hospital buildings once more. 

Health tracking apps

We all have at least one mobile app that tracks our daily activity or how much water we drink, how many calories we burn, etc. This type of application is also necessary for modern healthcare organizations. They can be used internally as well as externally as a part of telehealth tools. The health tracking apps commonly work with medical wearables like bracelets, rings, band heads, etc., that scan your health indicators and send the data both to the app and your doctor as well.

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Trends of the healthcare software in 2021

The healthcare industry opens innovative technologies to be implemented into medical organizations. We have gathered the top tech trends that have been or are expected to be integrated into healthcare software during the next several years. 

Medical Internet of Things (IoT)
The IoT is considered to be a trendy technology that is actively implemented in various industries to enhance their performance. Medical IoT aims to qualitatively connect medical devices of remote patients, internal systems within healthcare organizations, and insurance companies to provide easy and smooth health data exchange and usage.
Employee wellness app
The pandemic keeps the medical workers in suspense for lots of months. It is important to check the wellness of not only patients but medical employees too. Employee wellness apps unite medical workers within one or several healthcare entities where they can chat, share their experience and concerns, do some activities like yoga or dancing, organize corporate retreats, and just relax and free their minds.
AR and VR technologies are already in wide use in healthcare today. Thanks to these tech trends, many medical organizations conduct VR surgical training and elective surgeries. Moreover, the VR and AR technologies help investigate patients’ mental health better to provide the most suitable and effective treatment for them.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The AI technology allows for deeper analysis of patient’s health conditions and their health data to define the correct diagnosis and prescribe the suitable treatment accurately. AI helps to detect diseases before their appearance, especially diverse infections like cancer.
Medical IoT
Find out more about the usage of the IoT in the healthcare industry from our recent blog post.

Software Development Life Cycle For Healthcare

Software development life cycle is the most widespread methodology of developing software applications and managing the processes during the development involves defining the objectives, documenting them, and creating a precise plan of the development team’s actions.. The healthcare industry requires a little bit of a different approach to software development. Thus, a new medical SDLC has been invented and is called Patient Journey modeling. It is a patient-centric approach that helps investigate what patients may need and provide an excellent journey and experience with the healthcare organizations. 

The healthcare SDLC aims to deliver top-notch solutions within the defined budget, timelines, and project scope. The main differentiator of this development framework is the full engagement of the medical workers and patients in the development process in order to test it and give feedback if the app corresponds to all their expectations and requirements. Thus, patient journey modeling enhances the efficacy and the use of the delivered medical software solution.

So the software development life cycle for healthcare will approximately look like this:

  • The discovery stage is an inevitable part of any type of software solution development; it implies analyzing the healthcare entity and its workflows to define the main objectives for the future solution;
  • The prototype development to figure out if the developers are moving in the right direction;
  • Designing and coding that includes data encryption which is crucial for health data;
  • The testing phase is really vital in the healthcare software development as it has to be well-functioning and eliminate any bug or error;
  • The delivery of the solution and smooth integration into the organization’s processes.

What Do Healthcare Software Development Companies Do

Due to the active digitalization of the healthcare industry, a software development company tries to adjust to its specifics by offering niche solutions. Healthcare software development companies look for efficient ways of optimizing the internal workflows of medical facilities with the use of technologies and custom digital tools. Among the most common software services, we would like to mention:

  • Ready-made medical software tools – medical apps for internal use that have quite limited functionality and are mostly used for managing several processes like inventory, appointments, etc.
  • Healthcare mobile apps – used for transferring data from medical devices to hospitals for providing remote health monitoring
  • Custom medical systems – an all-in-one solution that manages all internal and external processes related to a particular medical entity, easy to scale and integrate with new functions.

The main requirement that hospitals have for software companies is a cost reduction strategy that provides high-quality medical services at reasonable prices for patients and facilities as well. These days the variety of software development companies focusing on building healthcare software is surely extended, and the selection becomes more demanding as it is vital to assure that your tech partner is trusted and responsible. 

GBKSOFT offers deep domain expertise in building healthcare software solutions. Our development team is highly acquainted with all demands and official regulations related to healthcare software to provide top-notch all-in-one systems for medical organizations. We provide a wide range of services which are:

  • consulting on your case;
  • building custom web and mobile software solutions;
  • migration to the cloud;
  • dedicated development focusing on your project and its specifics.

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The Specifics Of Healthcare Software Application Development

Today, people are more obsessed with their mobile apps than laptops or computers. So when building custom healthcare software, it is advisable to think more of the customer journey and provide the mobile app for patients. Thus, patients become participants of the same internal systems which lightens and helps manage many processes like booking appointments, checking the lab tests, enter their health indicators, access to EHRs, connecting the app to the medical wearables, getting notifications about the upcoming visit, or procedures, GPS to find the nearest hospital or doctor and so on. 

Commonly there are several types of medical applications that are widely used within medical organizations, and each of them has a different focus. For instance, it can be a doctor who needs to make e-prescriptions, remote monitoring and check the scheduled visits; patients that need to have the same options as doctors and also have access to their medical histories; a hospital needs management of internal operations.

The mobile app should be scalable and easily integrated with the new options needed for patients. The most vital thing about healthcare app development is the design concept. It should be intuitive, simple, and easy to use so that patients of all ages could leverage it for their convenience. 

What’s The Future Of Software Development In Healthcare

The healthcare area continues adopting the latest technologies for the efficient digitalization of processes within different types of medical organizations. Some innovations are only expected to be implemented in the healthcare industry. Therefore, we created a compilation of contemporary technologies that will find their place in healthcare in the nearest future. 


Blockchain in healthcare aims to make the health data exchange 100% protected from leakage and fraud and make this transmission process easier and faster.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

As we have already mentioned, AI technology widens its borders within the healthcare industry by applying more ways to use it and make the treatment innovative and more qualitative. Among the most fascinating use cases of AI in the healthcare workflows we would like to mention:

  • Image analysis – AI helps clinicians to detect the appropriate diagnosis by recognizing and analyzing the body scans; it also helps avoid mistakes when checking the patient EHR or EMR;
  • Emergency in case of heart attack – AI is implemented in medical tools that are able to recognize the first signs of heart attack by quickly analyzing the previous medical history, voice of the patient, and the background noise from the place the patient calls;
  • Predictive analytics – AI helps clinicians better analyze the EHRs in order to precisely detect the diagnosis and select the most appropriate treatment plan; AI-driven app quickly scans and analyzes all available patient data and provides the results asap.

The GBKSOFT development team has already got familiar with AI technology and the benefits it provides for contemporary healthcare software products. We start implementing your healthcare tool with computer vision, chatbots, robotic process automation, etc. Schedule a consultation with our specialists to discuss the ways your organization can benefit from the use of AI technology.

Patient engagement technology

This trend primarily focuses on the engagement of patients into their treatment meaning patients should themselves follow their health indicators, remember about the scheduled examinations, and strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations for a quicker full recovery.

You can also find out more about the latest technological trends in the healthcare industry from the video we added below. 

Why is it better to outsource custom healthcare software development?

To develop your custom health solution or integrate new technologies in your existing systems, initially, you need to decide what types of the software development team you’d rather cooperate with, in-house or outsourcing development team

These days most companies select outsourcing as a more beneficial team model, and we would like to explain why:

  • Outsourcing development saves your costs that you could have spent on the hiring process as there are no guarantees that the chosen developers will correspond to your expectations, thus you can lose money, time, and effort; when selecting the outsourcing development partner, you can easily check their reputation on the web, contact their previous clients, learn the domain expertise and experience;
  • Outsourcing developers are able to provide you with a wider technical and functional expertise, compared to the in-house developers and are also able to adjust to your requirements in managing the process, budget, documents, deadlines, channels of communication, etc.
  • The outsourcing development team is fully dedicated to the development of your project, engaged in its specifics, and is committed to the successful outcome just like you are; moreover, you are to pay only for the actual hours spent building your product, so it’s a budget-effective solution for the healthcare facilities, especially governmental.

The GBKSOFT team has 10+ years of building and delivering high-grade software solutions for all purposes and for various industries. Our main benefit is starting from the discovery stage where we conduct deep research into your medical entity, gathering the core requirements for the future solution, considering the peculiarities of your entity and the latest tech trends of the healthcare industry. 

To end up

The process of digital transformation of the healthcare industry keeps gaining momentum. Medical software solutions are in high demand among healthcare organizations of different types that are looking to automate their workflows and provide excellent conditions for medical workers and experience for patients as well.

By partnering with the GBKSOFT outsourcing development team, you get access to the top-notch software developers that are proficient in building custom healthcare software, considering the requirements of your medical organization and the official healthcare regulations.


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