Restaurant App Development

Uber for Food: The Best Food Delivery App


Online food delivery market stands at $95 billion, a 1% of the total food market. Morgan Stanley Research sites $210 billion market opportunity for online food delivery. If you’re a business person from restaurant or food industry, those figures can’t be ignored. We don’t ignore these opportunities either.


This business model makes it possible to hire freelance couriers working without W-2 workers to cut the official charges.

From start let’s separate food delivery industry in two: fresh food delivery (delivery from a supermarket) and prepared food delivery (delivery from a restaurant, pizza, sushi, etc). Both niches internal competition and strong players like Grubhub, Deliveroo, Just Eat, Hungry House, Amazon Fresh, Hello Fresh.

Uber like app for delivery of fresh food may be a real success in big cities, where people have 10 hour working days and little to nothing time for visiting supermarkets. The second variant of an app for delivery of prepared food can be useful in small towns and suburbs, where local restaurants have not much to offer.

In whatever direction you’re looking there are essential features that should be in any mobile food delivery application.

How to develop your Food Delivery App?

If you’ve decided to go digital and create your own Uber for food, the first thing you should pay attention to is the set of unique features your app should have. Based on our experience we can say that many app users appreciate intuitive UI and fast performance. So when building your app, make sure that it has a visually appealing and understandable design and is optimized for various devices. As to the features, we would recommend you to consider adding the following:

  • Payment Gateway – PayPal, Stripe or any other payment method which will be convenient for your customers. After your app users made their order, they should be able to pay for it fast. After all when you order food, this means that you do not want to waste even a minute of your precious time, stay in queue or wait for a change. So the mote convenient payment method your app has, the better. 
  • Photo Feed –  you’ve probably seen a lot of Instagram accounts with pictures of food. They have hundreds of followers. If you take this approach and make it a feature of your app, you may convert many users to customers. Photo feed option may also serve you as an additional promotional feature for restaurants. 
  • Timestamping – This option allows users to track delivery speed and give you an opportunity to list restaurants according to their performance. So when making an order the next time, you users can choose the food place not only with the best quality of meal, but also with the fast speed of services. 
  • Food Property Screen – Such feature will allow restaurants and suppliers to list calories, ingredients, and description for their meals. Since healthy lifestyle and calorie counting are extremely popular now, this is going to be a great feature your users will definitely appreciate. 
  • Customizable Search – Let your user search food by a restaurant, cuisine, ingredients, taste preferences, etc. But note, that your search should not be too tangled! 
  • Review option – Most of us make a final decision on whether to visit a particular restaurant or not based on reviews that food place has. Let your users share their thoughts on food and services which will allow the other users to make an informed decision.
  • Customization – This is an especially useful option in pizza delivery industry. You probably know how t works – users can choose ingredients they want to be added to their pizzas. This feature can also be successfully applied to ordering meals for kids, Chinese food, etc.

How much does it cost?

To make an Uber like food delivery application you need either to gather your own team or to outsource the development to software development agency. It will be way more time and cost ineffective to gather your team, so to hire specialists is the better choice. You will need designers, developers, business analysts, project managers, and testers to create your app from scratch. They will perform market research for you, choose the best set of features, write clean code, test the app’s performance and maintain your solution.

Usually the price for such Uber like apps for food delivery starts from $30 K per one platform (iOS or Android ) and it can keep growing, depending on the company you will choose and the scope of work they will need to do. Here at GBKSOFT we develop Uber like applications faster than in other agencies. This is because we have ready-made developed modules and great deal of experience in making such applications. So you probably understand that our prices would be lower. We may deliver your own on-demand app with unique design developed specifically for your food delivery business for only about  $10 K. Yes, it is possible to develop a high quality application for this amount of money.

We have been developing Food Delivery Applications for a long time.  And thanks to this we accumulated a decent base of knowledge, huge expertise, and even ready-made MVP solution. Using such modules, we reduce app cost down to the most affordable on the market.


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