baasbackend development

Why is BaaS so good for businesses? 


We all are aware of the usual approach to software development – when you gather your own team or hire a remote one to perform frontend and backend coding of your solution. The software that came through all development stages turns out to be highly functional and it helps to boost business for what it was made. 

The only drawback of usual software development is that it takes a lot of time (on average you can spend 3-6 months on building a solution with a basic set of features). And sometimes time is crucial because you need to enter the market as soon as possible. So is there any way to do this? Can developers offer you any faster and yet equally effective way to build a reliable and long-lasting solution? The answer is: “Yes, they can thank BaaS”. 

Backend as a service has become really popular in the last few years and the number of businesses that make use of this approach continues to grow. The global BaaS market size now is $28+ billion. Therefore in this article, we would like to discuss what BaaS is, how it works and what benefits you can get if you consider developing your solution using BaaS. So, let’s wait no longer and proceed right away! 

What is BaaS and how does it work? 

backend vs frontend

BaaS men’s backend as a service and basically it is a special cloud model of development that implies that you will buy backend services while focusing more on frontend development. So let’s say you’ve decided to build a solution and in your team, you have a CTO and highly experienced frontend developers. So what you need to ensure a full development cycle is to either hire backend coders or outsource backend development to another company. Both of these ways are quite costly and time-consuming, and if you have a limited development budget – they will not be a perfect fit for you. And that is exactly when BaaS comes handy. 

Thanks to BaaS you will be able to build a frontend part of your solution, while all backend code will be provided by other coders that sell it as a service. BaaS vendors can sell pre-written solutions with server-side capabilities. For example, it is possible to buy an app with:

  • User authentication, 
  • Cloud-based storage, 
  • Push notifications, 
  • Advanced database management, 
  • Hosting on a server,
  • Regular updating on a remote principle. 

The only question that may appear in your head after discovering BaaS is “How to connect all those backend services with my frontend part of the solution?” The connection procedure is not too complicated and is performed thanks to APIs and SDKs. APIs will let the program make requests to other programs and set an effective data exchange between them. As a result of such backend integration in your solution you will be free from many time-consuming activities like server management and monitoring, working with virtual machines, and a lot of containers. 


Not really sure if BaaS may be suitable for your project?

The key advantages of BaaS

BaaS is quite effective when it comes to faster app launch since it reduces the overall development time and your web or mobile solution can be set and ready really fast. But these are not the only benefits you can get from using the BaaS model. It has even more pros from technical and business prospects. 

Let’s begin with the business ones. Here are some major advantages of BaaS that your company can get if you consider this development model:

  • Decrease development costs. As we have already mentioned the full development cycle is complicated and costly. So if your company cannot hire an in-house team of developers or outsource the app-building to a team, then BaaS is what you need. It can guarantee the high quality of your solution, and the performance will not be sacrificed as well. Buying backend services are more affordable and reasonable especially if you have your own frontend coding specialists. 
  • Speed up time to market. Nowadays if you have an innovative app idea you should not wait too long to turn it into reality. The idea tends to lose its freshness especially if similar ready-made solutions are already present on the market. Thanks to BaaS you will have to spend time only on frontend coding and design and your solution will be released much faster because all necessary services will be integrated. And integrations are not so time-consuming unlike the development from scratch. So BaaS can be called a perfect option if you consider MVP development. 
  • Delegate some complicated operations. It is one thing to build an app, but absolutely another – to maintain it. Maintenance requires even more effort sometimes. In the case with BaaS, you will not have to hire additional professionals (backend developers) to perform server or cloud infrastructure management, or other operations. 

While the main benefits of BaaS for business are the speed and cost of development, the technical side has even more to offer. We all understand that a good backend is crucial for a solution of any kind because if it will turn out unstable it will only irritate the end-users and will not bring much value to your business. That is why so many companies try to hire the best tech takes when they initiate software development. In the case with BaaS, you will get so-called backend providers able to shape your solution and free your company from many technical difficulties.  Here is why BaaS is a good choice:

  • You can pay more attention to design and frontend coding and make your app user friendly and visually appealing
  • You will not face the need to set up the redundant stack.
  • You will get a range of ready-to-use features like data search, data storage, user authentication, etc. 
  • The backup procedures can be performed much easier. 
  • Your data will be safe with the BaaS system and the threats of hackers are minimal. All data stored in BaaS is encrypted which minimizes data breach risks. 
  • You can clone the solutions and run various tests. 
  • You will not need to manage the infrastructure of your solution. 

For what solutions BaaS is suitable 

BaaS solutions

Although BaaS seems like a great idea for any type of solution, it is not quite so. It can hardly be used for enterprise applications or the ones that are built for healthcare, insurance, or other businesses that require complicated systems with numerous features. However, there are several industries that can really make great use of BaaS. Here they are:

  • Transportation and on-demand services. Uber-like apps> are more popular than ever before and BaaS is perfect for creating them.
  • Social networking. Whatever app you need to create if its main aim is to connect people, provide options for chatting and sharing information, then a backend as a service will be a good choice for its development. 
  • Real-time apps. To this category, we can add such solutions as chatting apps, messengers, and others of a kind. Their backend can be provided via the BaaS model and the solutions will turn out highly functional.  
  • E-commerce apps. Now when everything is shifted to online shopping, e-commerce applications are extremely popular and can be called powerful moneymakers. With BaaS it is fast and easy to jump-start your own business and build an app for e-commerce purposes. 
  • Streaming solutions. Various apps that are related to music and video streaming can be built at a reasonable price thanks to the backend as a service option. 
  • Games and entertainment apps. Gaming is still on the peak of popularity and considered to be a great business opportunity. Games development has always been costly, but not now when you can buy backend services instead of hiring a team of numerous game developers. 

Already have your own app in mind and want to discuss it?

To sum it up 

These days numerous businesses consider software optimization because solutions help to boost business and build a more client-oriented approach. However, some business owners hesitate whether they have enough resources and time to initiate full-cycle development.

There is no need to put your idea aside as there is BaaS. With these services, it is possible to get a high-quality app without even gathering your own developer’s team. BaaS helps to reduce development costs, delegate some complex operations to professionals, and release your app fast. It is suitable for building all kinds of applications and with the right BaaS vendor you can be sure that your idea will succeed and be turned into a great solution. 


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