

from a space for communication

to apowerful business tool!

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Story behindthe creation


Story behindthe creation


The outset of the project and first challenges

The story of the current project dates back to the COVID lockdown back in 2020. Local interactions became a great challenge. The project initially started as a mobile application that aimed to connect neighbors, enabling them to keep in touch with the local community, build up a friendly and safe local environment, and stay up to date with all the local news and events. The initial version allowed users to share videos, chat, use maps to find neighbors and local businesses as well as subscribe to other users.


Reshaping the idea

Our client had an idea to turn the existing app into a handy and accessible instrument for small local businesses by supporting them and helping them grow and develop. On the other side, locals would have better access to local shopping, goods, and services as well as receive personalized recommendations, participate in promotions, get special offers and discounts. The application could even help you land a job nearby as you may apply to local job postings.


The launch of the development process

Thus having clarified all the individual business needs and project objectives with the client, we have launched the process. The team was inspired to do their best in terms of solutions, project planning, and new features implementation.

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& Process

Big things are never done quickly and easily. Our team faced several challenges, but managed to successfully overcome them, demonstrating even better results than were expected from us at the outset.

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Scope management in the fast-changing environment

Keeping up with the trends and market needs is associated with constant changes and adaptations in the logic of the existing features and project architecture. Thanks to appropriate project planning, the team has reached the right balance of the scope, budget, and timelines.

Introduction of complex features

We understand how much the delivery speed could mean for a business, so the complex feature set was broken down into smaller increments that were implemented and released separately.


Work with a live project

The project started as MVP and has already been released to production after 5 months of active development. The team set up the staging environment which was a copy of the production and verified the scope of work there before every release to catch and resolve the critical issues.

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Designers' competition

To bring a fresh view, new ideas for UI/UX, and introduce new trends to the project, we have organized a competition among our designers to create the best possible screen design as well as marketing materials.

Cooperation with the third- party teams

Complex communication was another challenge, but different time zones and other risk factors are never a barrier to success. Exact coordination, regular synchronization meetings, and keeping all stakeholders up-to-date lead to elimination of time and money losses.



Through the competition, we


the🔥 best designer from the whole team, who had the most interesting vision and out-of-the-box ideas, and created a unique interface attracting the end user.

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Modern color scheme

We used black as the main color in the application. At the same time, the backgrounds were made with light gradients - in line with the current trends.

Light design and transparency

The whole design is minimalistic and light. The navigation panel hides when users start scrolling the post feed. Moreover, the navigation elements could be hidden, so nothing could distract or divert attention from the content.

Feature-oriented design

Our goal was to find the best way to represent the information, so the users would be able to distinguish the type of information with a blink of an eye. The most important info is visible right away.

Map with theprofile pointers

We have started implementing new unique features to Bestyn, so now it’s possible to:

See the accounts within a certain mile radius from your location


Review the detailed users’ public page by tapping on the profile pointer


Pay to get access to a wider radius to gain more audience



The post feed is one of the key instruments in Bestyn. Any local business can publish posts of the 'Offer' type, and it will become visible to the users in the local community. The users who “follow” the business profile can respond to those posts if they are interested.

Besides this type of post, Bestyn users can also:

  • Share news with the people around them.
  • Inform the community about crimes, events etc.
  • Share media files with neighbors Create posts with attached videos, pictures and photos, as well as up to 10 audio files - recorded with the integrated recorder or uploaded from the phone's memory.


If you'd like to talk over the deal, event, or share any other information in private - you do not need to use any separate messenger as there is a built-in one available in Bestyn!

Users can easily get in contact from almost all the screens of the application, making your audience even closer to you.

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Stories list withadvanced story-editor

Stories list with short videos, which always catch the attention of the audience by telling the world about your product, best deals, and discounts you may offer. It is visible to all app users from local communities.

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The application has an integrated video editor that allows you to get your marketing video prepared with no additional applications. Here are some of the functionalities you would find in the editor:

  • set the duration of the video
  • select images and/or videos, glue them into one video
  • record the video with your camera
  • trim the whole story or each recorded part separately
  • add a text label and customize it
  • apply popular audios from the app's library
  • select the cover image of your story
  • and much more


Signing up for the application, you automatically create a Basic profile. However, if you would like to represent your businesses, you are able to add up to 5 Business profiles and customize them separately.


Add the information about your business,configure the profile, upload the content showcasing your products and services, and get ready to gain more potential customers with Bestyn!


A simple and fast switch between all the profiles lets you keep tabs on everything with no extra effort.


Signing up for the application, you automatically create a Basic profile. However, if you would like to represent your businesses, you are able to add up to 5 Business profiles and customize them separately.



Google Maps
Google Places
Firebase Cloud Messaging
Firebase Dynamic Links
Firebase Realtime Database
Firebase Analytics

Mobile Client

  • In-App purchases
  • Geo location
  • Push notifications
  • Media caching

iOS App

  • iOS 11+ support
  • Swift 5
  • AVFoundation
  • On Demand Resources
  • Keychain credentials storage

Android App

  • Android 5.0+ support
  • Kotlin
  • FFmpeg
  • Camera2
  • ExoPlayer

Successmetricsfor 09/29/2021


Google Play rating


App Store rating


Downloads on Android & iOS


How long we worked with the client:

  • April 2020 - September 2021 (more than a year)
  • The release of MVP after 5 months of development
  • 30 releases after the initial publication

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