General information

The Operator of the websites,, and (“Website”, “Websites”) is Altamira Softworks, s. r. o., Jaskový rad 187, 83101 Bratislava, Slovakia, company ID (IČO): 44880774, VAT reg. No. (IČ DPH): SK2022861368 (“Operator”). The term “Service” means the use of the Website by the User. The latest update of these conditions was performed on 21 June 2020. The Operator reserves the right to amend, anytime, the Conditions of Use and Protection of Personal Data.

Protection of personal data

The Website may be used anonymously by every User. Should the User decide to contact the Operator using any of the contact forms on the site, such User will be asked to enter personal data, at different scales, stating, at a minimum: Name and Surname, E-mail and Phone Number. The Operator asks the User to provide the data so that the Operator can contact the User and respond to User’s inquiries. The contact information of the User may only be used for marketing purposes if the User has provided their explicit consent – by marking the specific acceptance button (“Checkbox”). If the User has not provided the consent with the use of the personal data for marketing purposes, the personal data will only be used for the aforementioned purpose. The Operator undertakes not to use the personal data in breach of the valid laws of the Slovak Republic and also not to provide the personal data to third parties, except for the sub-contractors of the Operator that are bound by the relevant confidentiality agreement and also by the contract on the transfer of personal data of the Operator.

Rules for using cookies

What are Cookies? They are small text files stored in the devices of the Website Users. A cookie file is a short text file that the website stores in your computer or mobile equipment (including your tablet) when you browse the website. If you visit the same website again, the cookie will make the connection faster. In addition, the website will “recognize” you and offer you the information of your preference, ensure that the advertisements already displayed will not be shown again, if you have already entered some identification data, it will offer to provide the already entered data from your previous visits to the web environment and in relation to such information, it will display relevant content and offer the anticipated activities and services that we assume you could use.

4 types of cookies are used on the Website; the Users may personalize their settings upon the first visit or use the option to change the settings of the Cookies at the bottom of the Website upon every subsequent visit.

We use the following types of cookies:

  • essential cookies – necessary for the functioning of the website.
  • analytical cookies – necessary for analyzing the number of visitors of the website and their behavior.
  • marketing cookies – necessary for the provision of social media functions or any other marketing functions, including the personalization of advertisements or the option to target the User with the advertisements also on other websites than the Website.
  • preference cookies – based on which we personalize the Website for the User; the Website also uses third-party cookies, including, but not limited to, Google Adwords, Google Adsense, Google Analytics, Hotjar, Smartlook, Facebook, Instagram,, etc.


Unless the User grants their explicit consent with the use of a certain type of cookies, such cookies will not be used, except for the essential cookies.

Securing personal information

We have put in place reasonable measures and use technologies and policies to protect your personal information from unauthorized access and misuse, and we will update these measures as appropriate as new technologies become available. We adhere to generally accepted industry standards for the protection of personal information that have been submitted to us, both during and after transmission. However, no Internet transmission method or electronic data storage method is 100% secure. Therefore, as long as we use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Security of personal data

Personal data are stored on the servers of the Operator; the physical security of the data is ensured by the subcontractors of the Operator, especially Hetzner Online GmbH. The Datacentre where the data is stored is equipped with the security standards in accordance with the ISO 27001 standard.

The access to the personal data is based on the principle of necessity; it means only such staff members of the Operator or the authorized subcontractor have access thereto for whom the access is essential to be able to perform their work tasks.

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