How to Accelerate Digital Business Transformation

Digitalization can barely be called a new trend, since for the latest 5 years more and more companies performed such transformations, implemented new technologies and automated numerous processes. But digital acceleration sounds like something new. And it is indeed one of the latest trends named by Gartner that will enter the business sphere for the […]

Custom CRM Software for Your Retail Business

Modern retail business model is unimaginable without a proper and smart customer relationship management or CRM. Now, CRM might include a whole set of certain practices, attitudes, approaches, and tactics. It is especially important in retail segment as such businesses are 100% client-oriented. A CRM system is one of the pillars of effective marketing since […]

Rebuilding Trust In Election Systems With VotingWorks

Today, fact-checking is in the first place for many services. Before the current elections, social platforms, news resources, and many others faced such a problem as publishing false information. Information on the deployment of a solution has appeared on the Internet Archive site, which will conduct fact-checking based on checking the archives of web pages […]

Low-code vs. Traditional Custom Software Development: What is Better for Your App?

Nowadays applications have become powerful tools. Not only big companies build apps to promote their goods or services and ensure customer engagement, but also many startupers tend to consider app development as a great opportunity for starting a profitable business.  But when it comes to selecting the right development technology many people get confused. There are […]

GBKSOFT is in the Top Custom Software Development Company in Kyiv

A golden rule in any area is firstly you work for a reputation, and then the reputation works for you. GBKSOFT has already overcome many steps of developing the brand name and building a unique solution for our customers. So what makes our cases so special? It is the ability and the high professionalism of […]

GBKSOFT gets into Top Custom Software Development Company in Ukraine

We don’t stop growing and improving our skills and services. We are glad to announce that GBKSOFT is lucky enough to get into the Top Custom Software Development Company in Ukraine. This award makes us responsible for the quality of our development. We want to emphasize that we pay attention to customer requirements and demands, […]