GBKSOFT is in Top Custom Software Development Companies

GBKSOFT is awarded as Top Custom Software Development Companies. We are glad that our projects attract attention and our cases impress not only our customers but all people who read about us. Custom software is always designed to meet customers’ needs and requirements. With the individual approach, customer development makes the workflow more effective and productive. […]

What is Personal CRM App and Why Do You Need It

Networking became an integral part of our lives. Growing your business is impossible without establishing new contacts and getting partners. But over time our contact list increases to eternity and you can hardly remember who is who. However, networking is not only about the number of new acquaintances, it’s more about contacting all these new […]

Full Stack Developer: Do You Really Need One?

A technology stack refers to a sum of specialists, principles, approaches, and, most of all, technologies that go with hiring a certain individual. When you hire a full stack developer, you get a full technology stack (complete web development cycle). The development of a web site or a mobile app primarily consists of the things: […]

Techlash of 2021 or Does Software Development Should be Ethical?

This year brought many new trends and innovations but it has also changed how general public treats technology and, specifically, the sector’s tech giants like Google, Facebook, Amazon, Uber and Twitter. In the west general consensus now holds that these companies should be held accountable because of the numerous times they acted unethically in regard […]

Why You Should Leave Magento Behind

Magento is definitely one of the most widespread and effective CMS systems designed specifically for online marketplaces. Even though it was not initially created with this purpose in mind, thousands of online retailers around the world have quickly adopted Magento as a platform of their choice to navigate the tenets of e-commerce and to expand […]

Top 10 Mistakes Startups Should Avoid

Right from the start. To all our future clients. We’d like to write down top 10 startup mistakes we see entrepreneurs make again and again. This article is an addition to our article on biggest failures our client have made.