How to Make a Peer-to-Peer Mobile Shopping App

These days all activities shifted online, and shopping is not an exception. Many startupers strive to build an app that allows users to shop smart by connecting directly to merchants. This is a classic example of peer-to-peer marketplaces. Just look at Amazon and Alibaba and see how they leveraged from simple marketplace business model. Fortunately, […]

Poshmark Set to Join IPO Boom

Second-hand clothing marketplace Poshmark, accessories, and décor plan to go public on the Nasdaq, Bloomberg reports. Experts say the transition from a private to a public company will be smooth. This decision is because the company’s shares rose to 6.6 million shares than initially planned. Initially, the company hoped to raise from 35 to 39 […]

Top Revolutionary Technological Decisions of Alibaba

Today is the biggest shopping day in the world. But do you know that it would not be celebrated if not for the efforts and creativity of Alibaba? The thing is that 11.11 is the Singles Day celebrated annually in China. It is like an anti-Valentine holiday that with time transformed into the biggest shopping […]

New Google Shopping tools for finding the best deals

Are you ready for the holiday shopping season? Very soon, most people will dive headlong into online shopping. Have you ever tried to remember how much this item cost before the discount when you saw a discounted price tag? In order not to be tormented by doubts, “is this a good price?” Yesterday Google presented […]

Amazon Explore Helps You Travel and Expand Your Horizons

Amazon is expanding its range of services today and is introducing Amazon Explore. Thanks to this service, customers will order a product overview, a specific location tour, and much more online in real-time. A local expert will host any event. What new can you learn or even get with this service? Creative DIY workshops and […]