
SoljetsPowerful webplatform foraircraft brokerage

SoljetsPowerfulweb platformfor aircraftbrokerage


Our Story

The initial request from our client was to integrate the ready design mockups into the existing website built on Ruby. The client also considered creating a new version of the website using WordPress but was not so sure about that. Before starting our work we wanted to understand the initial purpose of redesign and development, as well as goals that client puts for the ordered job. This allows us to make sure that the final result meets the initial goals.

Before the actual start of works, we’ve done the Project Vision document absolutely for free and set the following tasks for the website:

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To get more traffic by making it SEO-friendly


To make the website more useful and informative


To update the design and give it more luxury and up-to-date look


To make the management of the website content more intuitive and convenient


Our Story

Based on those tasks we elaborated the project plan and presented it to our client for a review. We offered to do the following:

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Change the website structure and perform SEO optimization

Make redesign due to new requirements

Refuse from WordPress in favour of custom - developed website

Make Soljets website mobile friendly for better user experience

Our productive work with Soljets team led to the development of even more complex project together. We mean the unified ERP system for the jet brokerage services that has been developed and released by us and is already in use by our client.

Use Cases


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Knowledge base

The lack of unified information about a particular vehicle is a common problem many users face while searching for a jet to buy. They have to browse the web for hours trying to collect all bits of technical information into one place. Soljets team knew about this struggle and set a goal to provide an easy way to find and access all tech details on their website. They wanted to create something like Wikipedia but for the jets, let’s call it “Soljetspedia”.

So we made a separate section on the website containing full information about various available aircraft and their value, so that the customers can compare jets and choose the most relevant flying vehicle. But before Encyclopedia was created, a huge amount of work was done by the Soljets team members. They collected all the information and then unified it for each aircraft model. Once this was done, the content manager could add this info into the unified ERP that supplies data to the website. A convenient and easy way to keep the info up-to-date and unified.

In Encyclopedia all aircraft are divided into categories and models. It is easy to access full information about any jet in a couple of clicks and check out the following:

  • Weights
  • operational cost
  • performance metrics
  • сabin interior parameters

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Inventory is the central part of Soljets website so we paid special attention to its development. Inventory is a holistic aircraft catalogue that contains detailed information about all jets available for sale. To make this catalogue easy to use we added advanced search allowing to choose manufacturer, model and category of aircraft. Any customer can find a necessary jet model in a couple of clicks and get access to all its characteristics.

All information was thoughtfully structured and organized so that anyone interested in buying a jet can make use of it. There are also numerous pictures demonstrating how the vehicle looks from inside and outside like in a real glossy catalogue. After choosing the jet, potential customer can check out the following:

  • Jet’s price
  • Highlights
  • General details
  • Engine details
  • Avionics
  • Key interior and exterior features

Additional features added by us:

  • Download materials (customers can save specifications sheet on their device)
  • 360 view of 3D aircraft interior (customers can take a look at 3D model of what’s inside the cabin).

These features will be appreciated by business owners who delegate aircraft selection to their assistants. Especially if they are looking for a specific aircraft of a certain category.


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Comparison tool

Aircraft brokerage is a luxury business niche and people who buy flying vehicles tend to value their time. So the website should offer a smart and fast solution when it comes to selecting an aircraft. To make the process of choosing and comparing various aircraft models simpler for customers and to save their time, we created a unique comparison tool. It allows to compare key features of aircraft models (up to 3 in a row) right on the website.

All customers can access this tool either from the main page or from the Encyclopedia section. After selecting necessary models and setting origin and destination customers receive precise information about flying vehicles. They can compare all essential figures in a convenient way, since all information is provided in chart.

But what is more important, website users can set a route (choose up to 3 jets to compare and 2 destination points) and check out the approximate cost of a flight and average flight range of each of the selected jets. If the fuel tank capacity of a certain vehicle will not allow to reach the destination point in one flight, this information will be displayed to users. This feature is very convenient and it lets the potential customers choose the most appropriate aircraft that will meet all their requirements.


Live chat widget

What can be more convenient and user-friendly than possibility to ask a question and get an answer at once? Effective communication is the key when it comes to selling deals.

That is why we implemented a live chat widget on the Soljets website. All potential customers do not need to perform numerous actions to contact Soljets team. A live chat powered by Intercom is available on all pages of the website. The biggest benefit of this is that it doesn’t require significant development time.



Design is no less important than functionality if you create a website for a luxury business niche. Many websites of companies involved in aircraft brokerage look quite basic and have outdated design from the ‘90s. Our client wanted to stand out from his competitors and make a modern website with flawless UI and UX. So our goal was to create a unique design concept able to emphasize the exclusivity of the client’s business segment.

We created and presented several different designs and color schemes. To choose a perfectly fitting color palette and design concept, we had an open and constructive dialogue with the client. The compromise was reached easily.

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Due to all technologies that were applied while creating Soljets, the website now has fast loading speed and high position in search engines. It is visually appealing, intuitive and highly functional. It also runs flawlessly on various devices thanks to adapted design and front-end development. All these benefits create not only presentable look for business but also positive users experience.

As to the ERP, its development simplified aircraft brokerage processes for our client. His business became digitalized and finally got rid of tiresome manual work. Now our client does not need to create numerous documents in Excel or spend a lot of time on tracking customers transactions. Thanks to digitalization Soljets advantageously stands out against competitors' background.




PHP 7.1


My SQL:5.7

Google Maps



  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Java Script
  • Jquery
  • JqueryFileUpload
  • Imperavi redactor


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Advanced search

Email notification

Messaging system

360 view of 3D models

Comparison tool

Knowledge base

Range mapping

Feel that your business needs an advanced website and custom ERP system?

Just contact us and we will do the rest